
By the end of this stage you will have achieved the following outcomes from the Pathway Framework:

Reduction in breach of human rights – policy commitment and due diligence.

  • The organisation has a documented policy against commercial, sexual or any other form of exploitation or harassment, particularly of children, adolescents, women, minorities, migrant, contract and temporary labour and other vulnerable groups.
  • Public commitment to respect the human rights of workers.
  • Human rights risks and impacts have been identified and assessed.
  • Staff in relevant departments have been trained on ethical recruitment, sex trafficking and grievance mechanism.
  • Immediate ethical recruitment, sex trafficking risks are mitigated.



Reduction in breach of labour standards (ILO) – brand level.

  • The organisation demonstrates awareness of, and compliance with, international labour standards and regulations.
  • Wage levels are monitored and regularly reviewed against national norms for a living wage.
  • Health and safety fundamentals are being assessed, monitored, and an improvement plan drafted.
  • Work-life balance fundamentals are being assessed, monitored, and an improvement plan drafted.
  • Secure employment and access to social protection are assessed and an improvement plan drafted.
  • A regular review process for labour practices in own business is in place.
  • A strategy for improving labour practices has been developed and approved.

Setting up for success

Take ownership

Designate a lead person or team for each activity and ensure other relevant employees are aware of their roles

Review legislation related to the portfolio

Include senior leadership to make sure there is ownership and buy-in from the top-level

Raise awareness among internal stakeholders by introducing environmental and social sustainability training

Review the possibility for a monitoring system to track all environmental and social data in one location and monitor progress

Review and update governance procedures

Engage stakeholders

Conduct a stakeholder mapping to identify relevant stakeholders, and engage key stakeholders to understand their priorities

Find other brands and management companies you can learn from

Set up a process to regularly engage with hotels, to understand challenges, identify priorities, inform them of central programmes and share solutions
Resource: Principles on Forced Labour

Understand impact & dependencies

1. Undertake a human and labour rights risk assessment and consider potential impacts and opportunities

2. Review dependencies relating to human rights and labour
Resource: Know How Guide: Human Rights and the Hotel Industry

3. Review and update, or create, policies (e.g. Code of Conduct, Procurement, CSR, supplier code of conduct, engaging and terminating business relationships) to ensure Human and Labour Rights are consistently included in all documents and to identify any gaps. If any changes are made or new clauses developed, ensure these are communicated to all HR leads at hotels

4. Complete vulnerability map, disaggregated by region/country

5. Analyse data and information to identify material issues and impact on staff and priorities

6. Review Human Rights and Labour legislation related to the region /country and progress annually

7. Check that policies are being implemented and ensure all staff are aware of them

8. Check data quality, and review data for gaps and any figures which are much higher or lower than expected. Compare your baseline to benchmarks

Set targets

9. Set company targets, targets for managed hotels, and suggested targets for franchised hotels, for human and labour rights. Use risk and impact assessment to set company-level targets

10. Share targets and improvement plans with internal stakeholders, including regional HR leads and hotel GMs

Take action

11. Review available guidance to identify relevant actions and create an improvement plan. This should consist of activities to be executed in the short-term (1 year), a medium-term (3 year) plan and a headline plan for longer-term initiatives (5-year plan). You should include compliance with global labour standards and development of a strategy for improving labour practices
Training: Risks of Modern Slavery in Labour Sourcing

12. Engage with internal stakeholders, including regional leads and GMs, to develop solutions and plan for improving human rights performance

13. Determine financial and non-financial resources needed, create a business case and gather required resources

14. Roll out policy update and complete all staff orientation for corporate staff, as well as regional or property leads

15. Inform employees about objectives and their role in achieving your targets

Reviewing & Reporting Progress

Monitor & Report

Review progress by comparing against previous performance and industry benchmarks where available (such as CHSB). Repeat on a regular basis (e.g. monthly/quarterly)

Review benefits seen through actions

Review challenges encountered along the way and plan solutions to implement

Update leadership on progress

Inform corporate customers and investors of performance and activities by including information in communications and meetings

Share your case studies with us!

As hospitality companies progress towards Net Positive Hospitality, the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance is keen to share good news and best practice from across the industry. Our Net Positive case studies are shared across our website and LinkedIn, acting as a positive space to celebrate these actions, achievements, and commitments.

We invite hotels to get involved by sending case studies to press@sustainablehospitalityalliance.org and / or tagging @Net Positive Hospitality and @Sustainable Hospitality Alliance within LinkedIn posts relating to environmental sustainability or social responsibility.

Labour & Human Rights - PDF Checklist

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2 | Advancing - Minimise negative impacts and initiate positive impacts

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Once you have completed Labour & Human Rights – 1 | Starting, you are ready to move on to 2 | Advancing.