15 results

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Employee engagement factsheet

This factsheet provides an overview of how to engage your employees and highlights the positive impact of social and environmentally conscious employee engagement. 

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Utilities tracker

This spreadsheet enables you to track data related to energy and water consumption and waste production in your hotel.

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Customer engagement factsheet

This factsheet gives an overview of how to engage your customers, including how to better understand and communicate with your guests.

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Community Engagement factsheet

This factsheet gives an overview of how to engage your staff, partners, and customers to contribute towards local community welfare and engagement.

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Temporary migrant worker factsheet cover

Temporary migrant worker recruitment factsheet

This factsheet provides guidance for hotels on how to address risks when recruiting temporary workers.

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Recruitment scams factsheet cover

Recruitment scams factsheet

This factsheet provides guidance for hotels to recognise and mitigate the risks to their employees and job seekers of recruitment scams.