8 ways to take your hotel’s plastic reduction efforts to the next level

Club Med joins the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance

10 tips for hosting sustainable meetings at your hotel

KALDEWEI joins the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance to help the progression of sustainable innovation for a better world

Luxury hotel company, Jumeirah Hotels & Resorts, joins leading responsible hospitality network, the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance

How can hotels protect local biodiversity and help maintain a healthy ecological balance where they operate?

Ways hotels can reduce their ecological footprint

Earth Overshoot Day is a reminder that our approach to resources is unsustainable. Find out how we can work towards a prosperous and sustainable future.

Sustainable Hospitality Alliance joins Global Tourism Plastic Initiative to take on plastic pollution

Sustainable Hospitality Alliance has become supporting organisation of the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative, led by UNWTO and UNEP in collaboration with Ellen MacArthur Foundation.

Removing single-use plastics from hotel operations

Each year 32% of all plastic packaging ends up in our oceans. Find out how hotels can reduce their impact by removing single-use plastics.