Lección 1 – Reconocer y actuar: Información general sobre la trata de personas (nivel gerencial) (Español)

Primera parte de Reconocer y actuar: Abordar la trata de personas en la industria hotelera.

Una serie de tres partes, explica la definición de la trata de personas y la importancia de combatirla, define la explotación sexual y laboral, describe los perfiles típicos de las víctimas y los tratantes, y destaca los indicios generales de la trata de personas.

Haz clic en Iniciar para empezar.

[vc_snc embed_type=”lightbox” item_id=”50″ item_name=”Lesson01_HumanTraffickingOverview_RISE_Spanish” button=”text” width=”100%” height=”800px” slider_script=”nivo” nivo_transition=”fade” href=”https://sustainablehospitalityalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/uncanny-snc/50/scormdriver/indexAPI.html”]

Lección 2 – Reconocer y actuar: Prevenir la trata de personas (nivel gerencial) (Español)

Segunda parte de Reconocer y actuar: Abordar la trata de personas en la industria hotelera.

Una serie de tres partes, se centra en cómo reconocer los indicios de trata de personas dentro del hotel, incluidos el vestíbulo, las habitaciones y otras áreas públicas, y cómo actuar luego de reconocerlos.

Haz clic en Iniciar para empezar.

[vc_snc embed_type=”lightbox” item_id=”55″ item_name=”Lesson02_PreventingHumanTraffickingIndustry_ES” button=”text” width=”100%” height=”800px” slider_script=”nivo” nivo_transition=”fade” href=”https://sustainablehospitalityalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/uncanny-snc/55/index_lms.html”]

Lección 3 – Reconocer y actuar: Situaciones hipotéticas de trata de personas (nivel gerencial) (Español)

Tercera parte de Reconocer y actuar: Abordar la trata de personas en la industria hotelera.

Una serie de tres partes, brinda la oportunidad de reaccionar a situaciones hipotéticas específicas dentro del hotel, determinar si existen posibles indicios de trata de personas, y elegir la mejor manera de actuar en cada situación en función las observaciones y el conocimiento adquirido en esta capacitación.

Haz clic en Iniciar para empezar.

[vc_snc embed_type=”lightbox” item_id=”63″ item_name=”Lesson04_HumanTraffickingScenariosManagementIndustry_ES” button=”text” width=”100%” height=”800px” slider_script=”nivo” nivo_transition=”fade” href=”https://sustainablehospitalityalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/uncanny-snc/63/index_lms.html”]

Lección 3 – Reconocer y actuar: Situaciones hipotéticas de trata de personas (nivel no gerencial) (Español)

Tercera parte de Reconocer y actuar: Abordar la trata de personas en la industria hotelera.

Una serie de tres partes, brinda la oportunidad de reaccionar a situaciones hipotéticas específicas dentro del hotel, determinar si existen posibles indicios de trata de personas, y elegir la mejor manera de actuar en cada situación en función de las observaciones y el conocimiento adquirido en esta capacitación.

Haz clic en Iniciar para empezar.

[vc_snc embed_type=”lightbox” item_id=”59″ item_name=”Lesson03_HumanTraffickingScenariosNonManagementIndustry_ES” button=”text” width=”100%” height=”800px” slider_script=”nivo” nivo_transition=”fade” href=”https://sustainablehospitalityalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/uncanny-snc/59/index_lms.html”]

Lección 2 – Reconocer y actuar: Prevenir la trata de personas (nivel no gerencial) (Español)

Segunda parte de Reconocer y actuar: Abordar la trata de personas en la industria hotelera.

Una serie de tres partes, se centra en cómo reconocer los indicios de trata de personas dentro del hotel, incluidos el vestíbulo, las habitaciones y otras áreas públicas, y cómo actuar luego de reconocerlos.

Haz clic en Iniciar para empezar.

[vc_snc embed_type=”lightbox” item_id=”55″ item_name=”Lesson02_PreventingHumanTraffickingIndustry_ES” button=”text” width=”100%” height=”800px” slider_script=”nivo” nivo_transition=”fade” href=”https://sustainablehospitalityalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/uncanny-snc/55/index_lms.html”]

Lección 1 – Reconocer y actuar: Información general sobre la trata de personas (nivel no gerencial) (Español)

Primera parte de Reconocer y actuar: Abordar la trata de personas en la industria hotelera.

Una serie de tres partes, explica la definición de la trata de personas y la importancia de combatirla, define la explotación sexual y laboral, describe los perfiles típicos de las víctimas y los tratantes, y destaca los indicios generales de la trata de personas.

Haz clic en Iniciar para empezar.

[vc_snc embed_type=”lightbox” item_id=”50″ item_name=”Lesson01_HumanTraffickingOverview_RISE_Spanish” button=”text” width=”100%” height=”800px” slider_script=”nivo” nivo_transition=”fade” href=”https://sustainablehospitalityalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/uncanny-snc/50/scormdriver/indexAPI.html”]

Lesson 1 – Human Trafficking Overview (EN)

Welcome to Recognise and Respond: Human Trafficking Overview

Human Trafficking is a global problem that can happen anywhere, including in your hotel.  As a hotel worker, you are in a unique position to recognise warning signs of human trafficking and report the situation.

Start your journey with this overview to help you define human trafficking, understand the importance of combatting it, and learn the warning signs.

Click launch to begin.

[vc_snc embed_type=”lightbox” item_id=”68″ item_name=”Lesson01_HumanTraffickingOverview_RISE-2″ button=”text” width=”100%” height=”800px” slider_script=”nivo” nivo_transition=”fade” href=”https://sustainablehospitalityalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/uncanny-snc/68/scormdriver/indexAPI.html”]

Lesson 2 – Recognise and Respond: Preventing Human Trafficking (Non-management) (English)

Welcome to Recognise and Respond: Preventing Human Trafficking

In lesson 1 you will have learned the general signs of human trafficking, but you may notice some additional signs depending on where you are in the hotel.

After completing this lesson, you will be able to recognise the specific signs of human trafficking in hotel settings and report potential human trafficking situations if they occur on your property.

Click launch to begin.

[vc_snc embed_type=”lightbox” item_id=”46″ item_name=”Lesson02_PreventingHumanTraffickingIndustry” button=”text” width=”100%” height=”800px” slider_script=”nivo” nivo_transition=”fade” href=”https://sustainablehospitalityalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/uncanny-snc/46/index_lms.html”]

Lesson 3 – Recognise and Respond: Human Trafficking Non-Management Scenarios (English)

Welcome to Recognise and Respond: How you can help prevent human trafficking

After lessons 1 and 2, you should now have a better understanding of what human trafficking is and how to recognise the signs.

In this lesson, you can practice applying your skills to hospitality-based scenarios.

Click launch to begin.

[vc_snc embed_type=”lightbox” item_id=”45″ item_name=”Lesson03_HumanTraffickingScenariosNonManagementIndustry” button=”text” width=”100%” height=”800px” slider_script=”nivo” nivo_transition=”fade” href=”https://sustainablehospitalityalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/uncanny-snc/45/index_lms.html”]

Leçon 2 – Identifier et Réagir: Prévention de la Traite des Êtres Humains (management) (Français)

Partie 2 de Identifier et Réagir: Combattre la Traite des Êtres Humains dans le Secteur de L’hôtellerie.

Une série en trois parties, se concentre sur la manière d’identifier et de réagir aux signes de la traite des êtres humains en contexte hôtelier, y compris dans le hall d’entrée, en chambre et dans d’autres espaces publics.

Cliquez sur lancement pour commencer.

[vc_snc embed_type=”lightbox” item_id=”54″ item_name=”Lesson02_PreventingHumanTraffickingIndustry_FR” button=”text” width=”100%” height=”800px” slider_script=”nivo” nivo_transition=”fade” href=”https://sustainablehospitalityalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/uncanny-snc/54/index_lms.html”]

Leçon 3 – Identifier et Réagir: Scénarios de Traite des Êtres Humains (management) (Français)

Partie 3 de Identifier et Réagir: Combattre la traite des êtres humains dans le secteur de l’hôtellerie.

Une série en trois parties, offre la possibilité de réagir à des situations spécifiques à l’hôtellerie, de déterminer si des signes de la traite des êtres humains sont présents, et de décider comment réagir au mieux à chaque situation, en fonction des observations et des connaissances acquises dans le cadre de cette formation.

Cliquez sur lancement pour commencer.

[vc_snc embed_type=”lightbox” item_id=”111″ item_name=”Lesson04_HumanTraffickingScenariosManagementIndustry_FR” button=”text” width=”100%” height=”800px” slider_script=”nivo” nivo_transition=”fade” href=”https://sustainablehospitalityalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/uncanny-snc/111/index_lms.html” global_lightbox=””]

Leçon 1 – Identifier et réagir: Présentation de la traite des êtres humains (management) (Français)

Partie 1 de Identifier et Réagir: Combattre la traite des êtres humains dans le secteur de l’hôtellerie

Une série en trois parties, définit la traite des êtres humains et explique pourquoi il est important de la combattre, définit le trafic sexuel et le trafic de main-d’œuvre, décrit les profils habituels des victimes et des trafiquants et décrit les signes généraux de la traite des êtres humains.

Cliquez sur lancement pour commencer.

[vc_snc embed_type=”lightbox” item_id=”49″ item_name=”Lesson01_HumanTraffickingOverview_RISE_French” button=”text” width=”100%” height=”800px” slider_script=”nivo” nivo_transition=”fade” href=”https://sustainablehospitalityalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/uncanny-snc/49/scormdriver/indexAPI.html”]

Leçon 3 – Identifier et Réagir: Scénarios de Traite des Êtres Humains (non-management) (Français)

Partie 3 de Identifier et Réagir: Combattre la Traite des Êtres Humains dans le Secteur de L’hôtellerie.

Une série en trois parties, offre la possibilité de réagir à des scénarios spécifiques à l’hôtellerie, de déterminer si des signes de la traite des êtres humains sont présents, et de décider comment réagir au mieux à chaque scénario, en fonction des observations et des connaissances acquises dans le cadre de cette formation.

Cliquez sur lancement pour commencer.

[vc_snc embed_type=”lightbox” item_id=”58″ item_name=”Lesson03_HumanTraffickingScenariosNonManagementIndustry_FR” button=”text” width=”100%” height=”800px” slider_script=”nivo” nivo_transition=”fade” href=”https://sustainablehospitalityalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/uncanny-snc/58/index_lms.html”]

Leçon 2 – Identifier et Réagir: Prévention de la Traite des Êtres Humains (non-management) (Français)

Partie 2 de Identifier et Réagir: Combattre la traite des êtres humains dans le secteur de l’hôtellerie.

Une série en trois parties, se concentre sur la manière d’identifier et de réagir aux signes de la traite des êtres humains en contexte hôtelier, y compris dans le hall d’entrée, en chambre et dans d’autres espaces publics.

Cliquez sur lancement pour commencer.

[vc_snc embed_type=”lightbox” item_id=”54″ item_name=”Lesson02_PreventingHumanTraffickingIndustry_FR” button=”text” width=”100%” height=”800px” slider_script=”nivo” nivo_transition=”fade” href=”https://sustainablehospitalityalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/uncanny-snc/54/index_lms.html”]

Leçon 1 – Identifier et réagir: Présentation de la traite des êtres humains (non-management) (Français)

Partie 1 de Identifier et Réagir: Combattre la traite des êtres humains dans le secteur de l’hôtellerie

Une série en trois parties, définit la traite des êtres humains et explique pourquoi il est important de la combattre, définit le trafic sexuel et le trafic de main-d’œuvre, décrit les profils habituels des victimes et des trafiquants et décrit les signes généraux de la traite des êtres humains.

Cliquez sur lancement pour commencer.

[vc_snc embed_type=”lightbox” item_id=”49″ item_name=”Lesson01_HumanTraffickingOverview_RISE_French” button=”text” width=”100%” height=”800px” slider_script=”nivo” nivo_transition=”fade” href=”https://sustainablehospitalityalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/uncanny-snc/49/scormdriver/indexAPI.html”]

Ethical Recruitment Principles and Implementation

Launch the lesson to begin the course. The training takes around 60 – 75 minutes to complete.

This part of the course is suitable for: human rights and sustainability teams, head office and regional HR teams, procurement teams, general managers, and team members with hiring responsibilities.

Click here to download additional resources, including:
  • Guidance note – Ethical recruitment
  • Tool – Working with labour recruiters and employment agencies
  • Tool – Frequently asked questions on migrant workers and recruitment
  • Handout – Mapping the recruitment process
  • Handout – Committing to ethical recruitment minimum requirements
  • Handout – Monitoring recruitment practices – sample questions

Please be aware that if you close the training window, this will restart the lesson. Therefore if you wish to pause and continue at a later time, please note your progress and navigate to this point upon your return.

[vc_snc embed_type=”lightbox” item_id=”104″ item_name=”Module 4 – Interactive Group Training – FINAL” button=”text” width=”100%” height=”800px” slider_script=”nivo” nivo_transition=”fade” href=”https://sustainablehospitalityalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/uncanny-snc/104/index.html”]

Ethical Recruitment Policies and Commitments

Launch the lesson to begin the course. The training takes around 60 – 75 minutes to complete.

This part of the course is suitable for: human rights and sustainability teams, head office and regional HR teams, procurement teams, general managers, and team members with hiring responsibilities.

Click here to download additional resources, including:
  • Tool – Incorporating ethical recruitment into procurement practices
  • Tool – Frequently asked questions on migrant workers and recruitment
  • Handout – Committing to ethical recruitment minimum requirements
  • Handout – Monitoring recruitment practices – sample questions

Please be aware that if you close the training window, this will restart the lesson. Therefore if you wish to pause and continue at a later time, please note your progress and navigate to this point upon your return.

[vc_snc embed_type=”lightbox” item_id=”103″ item_name=”Module 3 – Interactive Group Training – FINAL” button=”text” width=”100%” height=”800px” slider_script=”nivo” nivo_transition=”fade” href=”https://sustainablehospitalityalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/uncanny-snc/103/index.html”]

The Case for Ethical Recruitment

To get started on this training course, please watch this short introductory video, from the International Organization for Migration, which outlines the importance of ethical recruitment when employing migrant workers in the hospitality industry.

This part of the course is suitable for: decision makers (CEOs, VPs and Legal), human rights and sustainability teams, head office and regional HR teams, procurement teams, general managers, and team members with hiring responsibilities.


Click here to download additional resources, including:
  • Guidance note – What ethical recruitment means for the hotel industry
  • Tool – Frequently asked questions on migrant workers and recruitment
  • Handout – Summary of migrant worker vulnerability

Ethical Recruitment Principles and the IRIS Standard

Launch the lesson to begin the course. The training takes around 30 – 45 minutes to complete.

This part of the course is suitable for: decision makers (CEOs, VPs and Legal), human rights and sustainability teams, head office and regional HR teams, procurement teams, general managers, and team members with hiring responsibilities.

Click here to download additional resources, including:
  • Guidance Note – Building the knowledge and capacity of hotels to implement ethical recruitment
  • Tool – Frequently asked questions on migrant workers and recruitment
  • Report – IRIS Standard

Please be aware that if you close the training window, this will restart the lesson. Therefore if you wish to pause and continue at a later time, please note your progress and navigate to this point upon your return.

[vc_snc embed_type=”lightbox” item_id=”102″ item_name=”Module 2 – Interactive Group Training – FINAL” button=”text” width=”100%” height=”800px” slider_script=”nivo” nivo_transition=”fade” href=”https://sustainablehospitalityalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/uncanny-snc/102/index.html”]

Grievance Mechanisms, Remedy and Migrant Voice

Launch the lesson to begin the course. The training takes around 90 – 105 minutes to complete.

This part of the course is suitable for: human rights and sustainability teams, head office and regional HR teams, general managers, and team members with hiring responsibilities.

Click here to download additional resources, including:
  • Guidance note – Working with civil society and including migrant worker voice
  • Tool – Interviewing migrant workers about their recruitment and employment experiences
  • Tool – Access to remedy and business grievance mechanisms
  • Tool – Frequently asked questions on migrant workers and recruitment
  • Handout – ILO definition of recruitment fees and costs

Please be aware that if you close the training window, this will restart the lesson. Therefore if you wish to pause and continue at a later time, please note your progress and navigate to this point upon your return.

[vc_snc embed_type=”lightbox” item_id=”105″ item_name=”Module 5 – Interactive Group Training – FINAL” button=”text” width=”100%” height=”800px” slider_script=”nivo” nivo_transition=”fade” href=”https://sustainablehospitalityalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/uncanny-snc/105/index.html”]

Lesson 1 – Recognise and Respond: Human Trafficking Overview (Non-management) (English)

Welcome to Recognise and Respond: Human Trafficking Overview

Human Trafficking is a global problem that can happen anywhere, including in your hotel.  As a hotel worker, you are in a unique position to recognise warning signs of human trafficking and report the situation.

Start your journey with this overview to help you define human trafficking, understand the importance of combatting it, and learn the warning signs.

Click launch to begin.

[vc_snc embed_type=”lightbox” item_id=”68″ item_name=”Lesson01_HumanTraffickingOverview_RISE-2″ button=”text” width=”100%” height=”800px” slider_script=”nivo” nivo_transition=”fade” href=”https://sustainablehospitalityalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/uncanny-snc/68/scormdriver/indexAPI.html”]

Lesson 2 – Preventing Human Trafficking (EN)

Welcome to Recognise and Respond: Preventing Human Trafficking

In lesson 1 you will have learned the general signs of human trafficking, but you may notice some additional signs depending on where you are in the hotel.

After completing this lesson, you will be able to recognise the specific signs of human trafficking in hotel settings and report potential human trafficking situations if they occur on your property.

Click launch to begin.

[vc_snc embed_type=”lightbox” item_id=”46″ item_name=”Lesson02_PreventingHumanTraffickingIndustry” button=”text” width=”100%” height=”800px” slider_script=”nivo” nivo_transition=”fade” href=”https://sustainablehospitalityalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/uncanny-snc/46/index_lms.html”]

Lesson 3 – Non-Management Scenarios (EN)

Welcome to Recognise and Respond: How you can help prevent human trafficking

After lessons 1 and 2, you should now have a better understanding of what human trafficking is and how to recognise the signs.

In this lesson, you can practice applying your skills to hospitality-based scenarios.

Click launch to begin.

[vc_snc embed_type=”lightbox” item_id=”45″ item_name=”Lesson03_HumanTraffickingScenariosNonManagementIndustry” button=”text” width=”100%” height=”800px” slider_script=”nivo” nivo_transition=”fade” href=”https://sustainablehospitalityalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/uncanny-snc/45/index_lms.html”]

Risks of Modern Slavery in Labour Sourcing

Launch the lesson to begin the course. The training takes around 20 minutes to complete. Successful users will receive a certificate at the end. You may return to the training at any time. It will resume where you left, or you can use the Menu option to navigate back to an earlier part of the course.

[vc_snc embed_type=”lightbox” item_id=”12″ item_name=”Risks of Modern Slavery desktop zip” button=”text” button_text=”Launch lesson” width=”100%” height=”1200px” slider_script=”nivo” nivo_transition=”fade” href=”https://sustainablehospitalityalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/uncanny-snc/12/index_lms.html”]