The Sustainable Hospitality Alliance would like to thank all those who offered their advice and expertise during the development of the Pathway.
Thanks to our donor member and affiliate member companies who provided critical feedback and steer to ensure this would be most useful to the industry:
We would also like to thank the following companies who acted as Development Partners on specific sections of the guidance:
The authors are grateful to several other organisations and experts for their input, support and peer review:
Alliance for Water Stewardship Asia-Pacific
Christopher Imbsen, Director of Sustainability, World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC)
Dr Anna Spenceley, STAND Ltd; Chair IUCN WCPA Tourism and Protected areas Specialist Group; Director GSTC; Independent Advisory Panel of Travalyst
Dr Jonathon Day, Purdue University
Dirk Glaesser, Director Sustainable Development, United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Eric Ricaurte, Founder, Greenview
European Sustainable Hospitality Club
Grace Kang, Managing Partner, Greenview
Harold Goodwin, Managing Director of the Responsible Tourism Partnership and Founder of the International Centre for Responsible Tourism
Jeremy Sampson, Chief Executive Officer, The Travel Foundation
Jeremy Smith, Co-founder, Tourism Declares a Climate Emergency