Risks of Modern Slavery in Labour Sourcing

This course is a comprehensive free online training for hotels to raise awareness and tackle human rights risks of modern slavery in operations and supply chain.

Contents of this training include:

  • What is modern slavery?
  • Identifying risks
  • Case studies
  • Final knowledge check

Select the course content below to begin the training.

Ethical Recruitment for Migrant Workers (Group Training Course)

This free interactive group training course has been developed by the International Organization for Migration and the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, to provide hospitality companies with practical, in-depth knowledge of how to implement ethical recruitment practices when employing migrant workers.

This training is supported by the IRIS Ethical Recruitment Initiative and was generously funded by the US Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration.

Who is it for?
This training course is free for the entire hospitality industry, and is suitable for decision makers (CEOs, VPs and Legal), human rights and sustainability teams, head office and regional HR teams, procurement teams, general managers, and team members with hiring responsibilities. Specific details can be found below about which roles each lesson is most relevant for.

How should it be used?
This course has been developed to be used within face-to-face training sessions or a full training day. After watching the short introductory video, each of the following modules has been designed to create space for discussion and reflection. Throughout the trainings the lesson will automatically pause at relevant points, to allow time for participants to share ideas, answer questions and consider their company’s practices. Groups are encouraged to allow sufficient time for discussion, after which the facilitator can click ‘Continue’ to progress within each lesson.

Duration: The total time to complete the course is expected to be approximately 4 – 5 hours, depending on the time dedicated to discussion points and exercises. This is split into:

  • The case for ethical recruitment introductory video (5 minutes) – suitable for decision makers (CEOs, VPs and Legal), human rights and sustainability teams, head office and regional HR teams, procurement teams, general managers, and team members with hiring responsibilities.
  • Ethical recruitment principles (30 – 45 minutes) – suitable for decision makers (CEOs, VPs and Legal), human rights and sustainability teams, head office and regional HR teams, procurement teams, general managers, and team members with hiring responsibilities.
  • Ethical recruitment policies and commitments (60 – 75 minutes) – suitable for human rights and sustainability teams, head office and regional HR teams, procurement teams, general managers, and team members with hiring responsibilities.
  • Ethical recruitment principles and implementation (60 – 75 minutes) – suitable for human rights and sustainability teams, head office and regional HR teams, procurement teams, general managers, and team members with hiring responsibilities.
  • Grievance mechanisms, remedy and migrant voice (90 – 105 minutes) – suitable for human rights and sustainability teams, head office and regional HR teams, general managers, and team members with hiring responsibilities.
Select the course content below to begin.

Recognise and Respond: Addressing Human Trafficking in the Hospitality Industry (non-management) (English)

Human Trafficking is a global problem that can happen anywhere, including in your hotel.  As a hotel worker, you are in a unique position to recognise warning signs of human trafficking and report the situation.

This course is designed to support non-management staff to recognise human trafficking and know what to do in this situation. Please navigate back to the main training hub to find a similar training for managers.

  • Lesson 1 – Human Trafficking Overview
  • Lesson 2 – Preventing Human Trafficking
  • Lesson 3 – Non-Management Scenarios

Each lesson will take up to 30 minutes to complete. The final lesson ends with a knowledge check, after which participants will receive a certificate of achievement.

Upon completion, if your device does not register that you have completed all three lessons, please email info@sustainablehospitalityalliance.org and we will manually export your certificate.

Recognise and respond: Addressing Human Trafficking in the Hospitality Industry (management) (English)

Human Trafficking is a global problem that can happen anywhere, including in your hotel. As a hotel manager, you are in a unique position to recognise warning signs of human trafficking and report the situation.

This course is designed to support management staff to recognise human trafficking and know what to do in this situation. Please navigate back to the main training hub to find a similar training for non-managers.

The training is comprised of three lessons:

  • Lesson 1 – Human Trafficking Overview
  • Lesson 2 – Preventing Human Trafficking
  • Lesson 3 – Non-Management Scenarios

Each lesson will take up to 30 minutes to complete. The final lesson ends with a knowledge check, after which participants will receive a certificate of achievement.

Upon completion, if your device does not register that you have completed all three lessons, please email info@sustainablehospitalityalliance.org and we will manually export your certificate.

Reconnaître et Réagir: Lutter Contre la Traite des Êtres Humains dans le Secteur de L’hôtellerie et de la Restauration (personnel non cadre) (Français)

La traite des êtres humains est un problème mondial qui peut se produire n’importe où, y compris dans votre hôtel. En tant qu’employé d’un hôtel, vous êtes particulièrement bien placé pour reconnaître les signes avant-coureurs de la traite des êtres humains et signaler la situation.

Ce cours est conçu pour aider le personnel non cadre à reconnaître la traite des êtres humains et à savoir ce qu’il faut faire dans cette situation. Veuillez retourner au centre de formation principal pour trouver une formation similaire destinée aux cadres.

  • Leçon 1 – Aperçu de la traite des êtres humains
  • Leçon 2 – Prévenir la traite des êtres humains
  • Leçon 3 – Scénarios non liés au management

Chaque leçon dure jusqu’à 30 minutes. La dernière leçon se termine par un contrôle des connaissances, à l’issue duquel les participants recevront un certificat de réussite.

Si votre appareil n’indique pas que vous avez suivi les trois leçons, envoyez un courriel à info@sustainablehospitalityalliance.org et nous exporterons manuellement votre certificat.

Reconnaître et Réagir: Lutter Contre la Traite des Êtres Humains dans le Secteur de L’hôtellerie et de la Restauration (gestion) (Français)

La traite des êtres humains est un problème mondial qui peut se produire n’importe où, y compris dans votre hôtel. En tant que directeur d’hôtel, vous êtes dans une position unique pour reconnaître les signes avant-coureurs de la traite des êtres humains et signaler la situation.

Ce cours est conçu pour aider le personnel d’encadrement à reconnaître la traite des êtres humains et à savoir ce qu’il faut faire dans une telle situation. Veuillez retourner au centre de formation principal pour trouver une formation similaire pour les non-managers.

  • Leçon 1 – Aperçu de la traite des êtres humains
  • Leçon 2 – Prévention de la traite des êtres humains
  • Leçon 3 – Scénarios pour les non-cadres

Chaque leçon dure jusqu’à 30 minutes. La dernière leçon se termine par un contrôle des connaissances, à l’issue duquel les participants recevront un certificat de réussite.

Si votre appareil n’indique pas que vous avez suivi les trois leçons, envoyez un courriel à info@sustainablehospitalityalliance.org et nous exporterons manuellement votre certificat.